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These tables define the various record column values, which can be used to access types of records.
Table: Committee Type
Column |
Value |
Displayed Information |
c_Type |
0 |
Undefined |
1 |
Committee |
2 |
Governing |
3 |
Employee |
4 |
Public |
5 |
Architectural |
6 |
Compliance |
Column |
Value |
Displayed Information |
ga_GLType |
0 |
Operating Account |
1 |
Reserve Account |
2 |
Market Account |
3 |
CD Account |
4 |
Loan Account |
8 |
Other Bank |
9 |
Asset |
10 |
Expense |
11 |
Liability |
12 |
Capital |
13 |
Income |
Table: Company Post Hierarchy
Column |
Value |
Displayed Information |
cph_Type |
0 |
Miscellaneous |
1 |
Assessment |
2 |
Late Fee |
3 |
Credit |
4 |
Special Assessment |
5 |
Capital Contribution |
6 |
Transfer Fee |
7 |
Resale Transfer Fee |
8 |
Resale Capital Contribution |
9 |
Balance Transfer |
10 |
Community Enhancement |
Table: Community Billing
Column |
Value |
Displayed Information |
cb_Type |
0 |
Not Selected |
1 |
Fixed Amount (cph_Type: Assessment, Capital / Resale Contribution, Special Assessment) |
2 |
% of Unit Value (cph_Type: Assessment, Capital / Resale Contribution, Special Assessment) |
3 |
Sq Ft Calculation (cph_Type: Assessment, Capital / Resale Contribution, Special Assessment) |
4 |
Fixed Amount (cph_Type: Late Fee) |
5 |
% of Late Fee Balance (cph_Type: Late Fee) |
6 |
Miscellaneous |
7 |
Credit (cph_Type: Credit) |
8 |
Fixed Amount (cph_Type: Community Enhancement / Transfer Fee) |
9 |
% of Unit Value Round Dollar (cph_Type: Assessment, Capital / Resale Contribution, Special Assessment) |
10 |
% of Unit Value Round Tenth (cph_Type: Assessment, Capital / Resale Contribution, Special Assessment) |
11 |
Sq Ft Round Dollar (cph_Type: Assessment, Capital / Resale Contribution, Special Assessment) |
12 |
Sq Ft Dollar Tenth (cph_Type: Assessment, Capital / Resale Contribution, Special Assessment) |
13 |
Inclusive Amount (cph_Type: Late Fee) |
14 |
% of Account Balance (cph_Type: Late Fee) |
15 |
% of Late Fee Balance Tier 2 (cph_Type: Late Fee) |
Table: Resident Contact
Column |
Value |
Displayed Information |
rc_Type |
0 |
All |
1 |
Billing |
2 |
Mailing |
3 |
Contact |
4 |
Management Company |
5 |
Tenant |
6 |
Collection |