Unit Maintenance

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Unit Maintenance

Unit Maintenance allows you to add several addresses to a property for quick and easy data entry.  Owners are added through the "New Account" tab. Select a property and street to manipulate or add information accordingly in the appropriate fields.



If the user enters more than one address of the same street address, they will see a message appear that informs them that the a unit already exists with this address. The address being entered must have a Unit # assigned to it to easily distinguish it from the other addresses in the property.


Another way to enter addresses for a property is to use VMS Import and an Excel spreadsheet.The user needs to enter all information related to a unit onto an Excel spreadsheet and then use the VMS Import utility to merge all the information into VMS for a specific property.


The Unit Maintenance Application is accessed through APPLICATIONS | Account Maintenance Group | Unit Maintenance.


For simplicity, this topic will only cover resident units. Units can be configured to be owned by builders but this is an advanced topic.


There are several fields outside the grid that can be used to filter and define the information in the grid below them. They are defined as follows:




Property dropdown

Selects the property to which a new account will be added

Street dropdown

Selects the street name to which a new account will be added.

Builder Units checkbox

Select this box to display all builder units within the property or street. Units that have a builder name selected in the Billing Method field will be displayed.

Unattached checkbox

Select this box to display all units that are not attached to an account number/resident.

Owner dropdown

Filters by the builder in the Unit Owner field. Shows units where the Unit Owner is the selected vendor.

Street Increment entry

Use this feature when adding addresses in Unit Maintenance. It will advance the numeric number by the number you have in this field.

Clear GEO button

Used when the address entered in Unit Maintenance does not match with the address in Google Maps (for mobile compliance). Click the Clear Geo button to reset the Google Map location for all the units in the selected community and re-sync in mobile compliance map.


Once these fields are selected, the column headings within the grid need to be filled in. They are defined as follows:




Unit Key

Automatically generated by the system.

Street #

House number for the property address.

Street Name

Street name for the property address.

Unit #

Unit number, if applicable, for the property address.


City for the property address.


State for the property address.

Zip code

Zip code for the property address.

Legal Name

Legal description of the property address (optional).


Lot or property number of the property address (optional).


Block number of the property address (optional).


Section number of the property address (optional).


Enter any reference regarding this unit. Can be used as a way to group or categorize similar units. (optional).


Can be used to establish inspection groups which can then be selected when printing or when working with the mobile compliance website. (optional).


Parcel or Tax ID for the property address (optional).

Prior Acct #

Prior management company reference or account number (optional). This stays with the unit, not the owner.

Account #

Automatically generated by the system after a resident is moved in via the New Account application.

Billing Method

Select the billing method: Developer/Builder linked to community or Resident.

Unit Owner

Select the develop/builder who owns this unit.

Builder Recurring Billing

Default is Standard. Other options are selected when using Specialized Billing. Recurring codes are defined through Setup | Program Defaults | Codes | Program Area: Recurring. Used when there is a builder billing specified to one or multiple units. The billing stays with the unit unless changed in Unit Maintenance or out of Builder control.

Resident Recurring Billing

Default is Standard. Other options are selected when using Specialized Billing. Recurring codes are defined through Setup | Program Defaults | Codes | Program Area: Recurring.

Unit Recurring Billing

Default is Standard. Other options are selected when using Specialized Billing. Recurring codes are defined through Setup | Program Defaults | Codes | Program Area: Recurring. Used when the unit is no longer in Builder control and there is a billing specified to one or multiple units.

Sq Ft

Enter the exact square footage of the unit.

Unit Value

Enter the value of the unit divided by 100.



