Program Defaults: Bank

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Program Defaults: Bank

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The Bank tab is used to input and maintain data pertaining to various banking relationships. The user may enter an unlimited number of banks.






The fields are further defined:





Enter the name of the bank.

Address Info (Physical)

Enter the physical address of the bank.

Address Info (Billing)

Enter the billing/mailing address of the bank.


Enter the website address (URL) of the bank.

ePayment Website

If the bank defined has the capability to manage online payments of owner assessments you can enter the website address in this field and the VMS Web software will display a credit card icon on the e-Payment tab.  When the icon is clicked the program will open a new Internet window with the defined website.


Enter any notes pertaining to the bank.

Mgt. Company Code

Enter the unique Management Company Code provided by the bank to identify your property management company.

Recon Password

Enter the Auto-Reconciliation Password provided by the bank. This works in conjunction with VMSXChange.



To add a bank:


1.Click on the arrow next to the Add add button icon and choose Add Bank from the drop-down list.
2.Type in the name of the bank in the Name field.
3.Add the remaining information in the appropriate boxes.
4.Repeat step one to add another record.




Linked Properties


Allows the user to link properties to the added bank. For increased efficiency, the user may link a bank to the *Master Template during the setup process.



All master list items, including banks, can also be linked though Property Setup.  When you are located on a specific tab through Property Setup, such as Bank (Setup/Property Setup/Bank), you can right-click the mouse button and select Add Bank to display the master list of banks, which allows for the drag and drop of a selection to the property.


