Add a Budget

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Add a Budget

How to enter a new budget:


1.Select a Property.

2.In the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Add button AddIcon1711v2. The following screen will appear:




3.Enter a Budget Name.

4.Select a Copy Option.


The options are:




Copy Budget

Allows the user to select any year's budget

Prior Year

Builds the budget from the prior year's actual data


This option allows the user to select a date (mm/yy), which will be the current month of the new budget and the system will add eleven previous months, creating a twelve month budget.  Example, 09/2020 is selected as the date to extract the first month of actual data, then the system adds actual data between 08/2020 - 10/2019.  The idea of this type of budget is to create a budget with the most current actual data for a contiguous twelve month period.


5.The user can select a Default Increase/Decrease which will pre-fill an amount (+/-) across all GL codes. The amounts can be altered per GL code prior to applying the changes to the budget.




Amount $

The program will increase or decrease each month by the Amount entered

Equal =

The program will set each month equal to the Amount entered

Percent %

The program will increase or decrease each month by the percentage Amount entered


6.Enter an Amount (+/-).

7.Add a Budget Start Date.

8.Click on the Add icon AddIcon1711v2 to save the new budget.