Property Setup

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Property Setup

Before creating any vouchers or work orders, AP must be properly defined in SETUP | Configuration Group | Property Setup | Accounting | AP | Information.


This screen defines:


1. The type of accounting used: unchecked for Accrual, checked for Cash

2. The Payables Account is used for the following reasons:

i.Accrual: Select a liability account used used for the GL Accrual entry

ii.Cash:  Select the account to use as the suspense entry if processing bank transfers through AP

3. Check Approval authority:




Always Approve

Allows AP check approval for accounting employees.

Board Only

The program will only allow governing members to approve checks for printing from the web portal.


The program will allow the governing members and accounting employees to approve checks either through the AP application or the web portal.

Employee Only

The program will only allow employees to approve checks to print through the AP application.


4. The Minimum Bank Balance that will trigger a notification to the user in the AP application

5. Up to three digital Check Signatures to be printed on generated checks





Governing member signatures can be used with printing checks in conjunction with the images added in this tab, which depends on who approves a check to be processed (employee or online governing member).