<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: CLASS TWO: Property Setup > VMSImport > Import Chart of Accounts |
In this exercise, you will use the utility to import the chart of account information into the Master Template.
Use the VMSImport Sample Spreadsheet found in the VMS Help side-panel.
How to use VMS Import to import the Chart of Accounts:
1.Open the spreadsheet and use the tab labeled Chart of Accounts. Fill out the Excel spreadsheet provided with VMS Import.
a.Do not use any commas or double quotes in the spreadsheet. Make sure they are all deleted before importing the information.
b.The Type column is to be filled in with one of the following options:
▪Money Market
▪Operating Account
▪Other Bank
▪Reserve Account
c.The Category column is to be filled in with one of the GL Category options listed under SETUP | Configuration Group | Program Defaults | Codes | G/L Category.
2.Delete all blank/unused columns in the spreadsheet.
3.Write down all column headers in the order they appear on the spreadsheet.
4.Delete all the column headers.
5.Select Save As, rename the file, and change the file type to CSV Comma Delimited. Close the spreadsheet after saving. Close VMS.
6.Open the VMS Import utility.
7.Select Chart of Accounts from the Type field. Search for and select your CSV file in the Import File field. Select Comma in the Delimiter field.
8.Select the * Master Template as the property to import this spreadsheet's information into from the Property field.
9.In the blank Import Fields area below these selections, right-click and select Add Field. A box will pop up with a list of items to choose from.
10.Using the list of column headers you wrote down, click and drag the corresponding item from the pop-up box into the Import Fields area.
11.After adding all the fields you need, click on the Define Codes tab. In this tab, select the GL Code Type in the Import Value column and match it with the GL Code Type in the VMS Value column.
12.Click on the Import tab. This tab allows you to review your data. It is highly suggested to scroll down the list and make sure your data is correct.
13.After reviewing your data, click the Import button in the toolbar. You will be asked if you are sure you want to import. Click Yes and the data will be imported into the specific property you selected.
14.Log into VMS and go into SETUP | Property Group | Property Setup | Accounting | GL | Chart of Accounts and review your imported data. Now you can link your banks to any GL codes related to the property's bank accounts and enter routing, bank account numbers and Next Check Number.