Web Forms

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Web Forms

The Web Form application is used to create form templates used online which allow residents to enter data within a form; example for complaints, service requests, or pet registration, which are emailed to an employee based on the web form and employee (linked to a property) correspondence definition.


Web Forms are emailed to the defined form Correspondent type, which must match an employee linked to the Property with the same correspondent type, otherwise, the emails will be sent to the defined Webmaster for the software, defined through SETUP | Configuration Group | Program Options | Web | SMTP | System Emails.


Web Forms are accessed through APPLICATION | Setup | Web Group | Web Form.






How to add a Web Form:


There are predefined web forms used by VMS through the web portal that have specific operations, whereas the Type selection should not be changed to avoid any loss of functionality on the website, however, additional fields can be added to the forms allowing additional information to be added by the web user.


The forms include:

AP Approval: Used when a governing member approves an online voucher, which will automatically pop-up allowing the user to enter any information within the form that is emailed to the defined AP Clerk employee defined for the property

Architectural: Used by user to submit an architectural request.  When submitted, the form information will be used to create an architectural attached to the unit.

Compliance: Used by the Compliance web portal tab to allow residents to reply to compliance issues, which will automatically be added to the record the user is replying to

Work Order: Used by user to submit a work order request.  When submitted, the form information will be used to create a work order attached to the unit.


To add an additional Web Form, press the Add button AddIcon1711v2 in the toolbar, which creates a new template.






Name given to the form.


Image used to identify the form.


The type of form being created. Types include:


A/P Voucher Change: Used to send an email to the accounting staff when a board member approves a voucher online

Architectural: Used to submit an architectural request, which is automatically added to the unit

Commerce: This is a depreciated selection used by VMSWeb

Compliance: Allows the residents to respond to a compliance issue on their account

General: No Login Required: Allows anyone to submit an email request to the management company, without logging into an account. This form type is added to the Help area on the main web login page.

Email Board: Board/Manager Only: Used by board members or employees to email all board members

Email Governing: Residents: Used by residents to submit emails to board members

Email Residents: Board/Manager Only: Used by board members or employees to send emails to all residents

Private: Login Required: Used by residents to submit requests to the management company

Work Order: Used to submit a work order request, which is automatically added to the unit



Allows the form to be accessible from the Property Summary tab.

Close Resident Memo


Once a form is submitted by a resident, the information is added to their account as a note. Using this feature will enter a closed date for the note on the account. Otherwise, it leaves the note open and it becomes an action item.


Short explanation that tells the resident what the form does


The employee who receives the returned form. The option selected here must match the Correspondence field of the selected employee in Setup | Property Setup | Employee.

Upload Extension

Enter any file extensions (separated by a comma) the user can upload and attach to the email sent to the correspondent. Example: An Adobe file is PDF. Most image files are JPG.  Caution: do not enter executable file extensions such as EXE or COM




Web Form Fields


The user can enter any number of fields by creating a separate Web Form Field in the grid shown.  Each label entered is a different field on the form.





The name of the field the user sees when the form is displayed. Example: Resident Name or Resident Address

Field Type

Defines the type of information that can be entered in the field.


Entry: Allows the user to enter a single line of information up to the defined length

Memo: Displays a multiple line entry box used to enter paragraphs of information

Drop Down: Used to have the user select a predefined entry (the entries are entered in the Default cell)

Checkbox: Displays a check box for the user to mark



Displays default information the user sees when the form is displayed. There are predefined values the program will fill in when the form is displayed:


The following list can be used for any web form


[Date]: The current date in the field

[PropertyID]: The unique property ID

[PropertyName]: The property name

[ResidentAddress]: The logged in resident contact mailing address

[ResidentContact]: The logged in resident contact name

[ResidentKey]: The account number of the logged in resident

[ResidentName]: The logged in resident contact name (used for backwards compatibility with VMS Web)

[UnitAddress]: The unit address


The following list is exclusive to the A/P Voucher Change form type


[VoucherDueDate]: The voucher due date

[VoucherNotes]: Information entered through Web Form will be added as a note to the voucher

[VoucherResourceID]: The unique voucher number assigned to a voucher

[VoucherVendor]: The vendor name assigned to the voucher


The following list is exclusive to the Architectural form type and must be added to the form if an architectural record is added to the unit when submitted


[ArchitecturalModification]: The information entered by the user will be added as the architectural modification

[ArchitecturalNote]: The information entered by the user will be added as the architectural note


The following list is exclusive to the Work Order form type and must be added to the form if a work order record is added to the unit when submitted


[WorkOrderItem]: An Item is selected by the user and references something that needs to be done in the maintenance order.  A list of common Items are added through SETUP | Program Defaults | Codes, then assigned to a property through SETUP | Property Setup | Accounting | AP | Items.


[WorkOrderRequest]: The information entered by the user will be the text added to the work order item text


[WorkOrderType]: A type references the selection type for a work order.  Work order types are defined through SETUP | Program Defaults | Codes


The number of characters the user can enter when filling out the form


When checked, the user is forced to enter the information.


When checked, the label will not be visible to the user when the form is displayed, but it will be included in the email sent to the correspondent.