Compliance: Maintenance

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Compliance: Maintenance

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The Maintenance tab is used to maintain and manage compliance records for a selected unit or property.




The fields are further defined:





Select the rule to apply to the compliance.


Select the unit for the compliance.


Explanation of compliance is entered here; choose a predefined text or enter your own.


Select the type of compliance issue.

Entered By

Select the entry employee.


Select the inspection date.

Reported By

Enter who reported the compliance.

Inspected By

Indicate the person that inspected the compliance.

Next Action

Select the date to be used on letters for the processed sequence, typically the date is the hearing date


Use this column to close a compliance; no further action will be taken once closed.

Next Process

The date for the next process on the compliance.

Override Process

Select the date for the next process on the compliance.


This field contains the age of the compliance from the date it was created.

Last Sequence

The last action or sequence for this compliance is listed here and cannot be changed.

Next sequence

Select the next sequence event.



Compliance Modification



Compliance records can be modified in three areas of the system, although not all options will be available in every area. Other areas for compliance modification are: Entry/Resident and Property/Property/Compliance and Entry/Resident and Property/Resident/Compliance.



This area allows users to add and maintain compliance records, but does not provide access to resident information.

