Entry: General Ledger


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Entry: General Ledger


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General Ledger_V1.6


The General Ledger module is used to view account details, enter journal entries, maintain memorized entries and maintain and process batch information.





This module contains many time-saving features, such as:


Memorized Entries: This feature allows the user to create a memorized list of journal entries, which are saved with a name and can be recalled through the Batch and Journal Entry tabs within the module. These entries reduce the time it takes to re-enter the same information on a recurring basis.


Reverse Recurrence: When adding manual journal entries or creating a memorized list of entries, the user has the ability to create a reverse batch, which is used to reverse entries in the future. The user can specify when the reverse batch should be processed. This does not automatically post on the date specified but notifies the user through batch maintenance that it needs to be posted.