Work Order: Items

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Work Order: Items

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The Items tab in the Work Order module is identical to the one found in Accounts Payable. For definitions of the A/P fields and other information, see Entry/Account Payable/Items.



The Unit field in the grid serves two purposes.  If there is no entered unit, the program assumes the work order line entry is for the common area of the property.  If a unit is entered, the program assumes the work order line entry is for a unit and the work order reports will display the unit information.





The item fields are further defined:




Assigned to

Select the employee assigned to the task

Task Completed

Select the completed date

Contact 1, 2, 3

Enter the contact(s) information for the work order

Work Order Memo

Enter the information pertaining to the work to be managed

Work Order Special Memo

Enter the information pertaining to any special notes for the work to be managed

Work Order Resolution

Enter the resolution notes


How to add a work order line entry as an expense


1.In the Item cell, select or enter the item code to define the work order line item to manage

2.Select the Unit if applicable

3.Enter any work order fields if applicable

4.If a purchase order or estimate order is being printed, enter the estimate quantity and amount

5.If moving the work order to A/P, enter any A/P fields, including the amount

6.Repeat steps for all work line items for property and/or units within property, which vender will manage through the single work order