Accounts Payable: Overview

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Accounts Payable: Overview

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The Billing tab is used to enter new invoices to pay or retrieve memorized vouchers that can quickly create payments based on predefined vendor templates.



Before using this module to create vouchers for properties, at least one bank and one vendor must be defined (see Property Setup).






The fields are further defined:





Select a property to process vouchers.


Select the name of the vendor from the drop-down list.


Optional: Select the date the voucher is due.


Optional: Select the day to be selected as the posting date.

Check Date

Optional: Select the date to be printed on the check.  The system will use the current date if no date is entered when the check is printed.


The following selections can be defined:


Auto: Generates ACH file for all vendors processed since the last ACH file was created; can also be used to denote ACH payments paid by your bank.


Payment: Used to print a check for the vendor out of VMS; uses check number entered in G/L chart of accounts "Next Check #."


Manual: Allows the user to enter A/P items relating to pre-printed checks and to manually enter a check number.


Work Order: Works in conjunction with the Work Order module and allows the user to input vouchers that remain in an open (pending) status.



Used to enter the amount to pay when processing a check. This field is automatically updated as expense items are added to the voucher. If a partial payment is made on an approved voucher and a check is printed, the program will recalculate the amount based on the unpaid expense items.


Select when the voucher is ready to be processed into the A/P system. When checked, the program will create G/L adjustment records (if accrual-based) to update the expense items on the voucher and the A/P account defined as the payables account through Property Setup. A voucher cannot be modified once the approval checkbox has been selected, but can be unapproved by selecting unapproved from the right click menu.


Select from a drop-down list of available banking accounts (defined in Setup/Property Setup/Accounting/GL Chart of Accounts).

Check Memo

Optional: Prior to printing a check, a memo can be entered, which is then added to the payment record when the check is printed. This information is used on reports and can be viewed as needed

Ref/Dup Verify

Optional: Enter the check reference number to determine if the number has been used for another voucher for the selected vendor.If a user enters data in this field and the same data is entered on an existing voucher, the program will warn the user of the duplicate entry. The data entered could be a work order number or invoice number.

Check #

If the Type field is set as Manual, a check number can be entered to override the automatic check number generated by the system within the G/L chart of accounts.


The following selections can be defined:


ACH: The user programs the system to generate an ACH payment instead of a physical check.


Check: The user programs the system to generate a physical check.



Select to tell the check printing routine that this voucher is ready for a check to be printed once a voucher has been approved.


Based on the property definition, the voucher can be set to process by an employee, a board member using the Internet or both. If the system is defined to not allow an employee to process a voucher, a board member must log into the property web site and process the voucher. The program will then send an email to the A/P clerk defined for the property to notify the user that the check for the voucher can be printed.



It is not necessary to enter an amount in the section defined above, as the program will automatically modify this field as expenses and items are added to the voucher. Multiple expenses and items can be entered.