Accounts Payable: Billing

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Accounts Payable: Billing

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The Billing tab is used to create or maintain current vouchers in the Accounts Payable system. A voucher is defined as various expense items attached to a single vendor and bank. The A/P program allows a user to enter a voucher, define the vendor and bank, and then add expenses or predefined items to the voucher for check payment as needed.







There are two dates for every G/L entry posted into the system from the A/P system, known as the Posting Date and Transaction Date.



Posting Date

The current date or the entered Posted Date the A/P voucher is Approved or Processed into the system

Transaction Date

Either the entered Invoice Date for each expense or the current date if no Invoice Date is entered



The significance of the transaction date depends on how the user generates their G/L reports. Users have the option of entering search parameters for either transaction or posting dates. See Setup/Report Groups and Selection Parameters/Report Parameters for more information on dates' relations to reports.



Posting scenarios


Accrual-Based Accounting


1.After a voucher is added to the system and approved, the program will post G/L journal entries using the defined Accounts Payable G/L account (see: Property Setup/Accounting/AP) and each expense account.
2.When a check is printed for vendor, the program will create an offset entry to the defined Accounts Payable G/L account and adjust the bank account defined within the voucher.



Cash-Based Accounting


1.When a check is printed for a vendor, the program will create a journal entry for the expense as well as the bank account defined within the voucher.