Program Defaults: Insurance

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Program Defaults: Insurance

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The Insurance tab is used to enter insurance company and policy information, and to link that information to properties within the system.





To add insurance companies:


1.Click on the drop-down arrow next to the add button and choose Add Insurance from the list.
2.Type the name of the insurance carrier in the Name field.
3.Add all information needed in the appropriate boxes.
4.Repeat all steps to add another record.


Linked Properties


Allows the user to link properties to the added insurer. For increased efficiency, the user may link insurers to the *Master Template during the setup process.



All master list items, including insurance records, can also be linked though Property Setup.  When you are located on a specific tab through Property Setup, such as Insurance (Setup/Property Setup/Insurance), you can right-click the mouse button and select Add Insurer to display the master list of insurers, which allows for the drag and drop of a selection to the property.


