Bank: Lockbox

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Bank: Lockbox

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The Lockbox tab allows users to enter the unique lockbox file format used by each bank, and to define the parameters of the lockbox data file exported from them. There are two types of lockbox files that can be processed by VMS. The first is a delimited file, in which the file contains records with a delimiter character between each field. The most common delimiter is the comma. If no delimiter is entered, the program will assume the file is a fixed file, in which each field in the records start in a specific position and has a set length.






The fields are further defined:





Enter the lockbox file extension type provided from the bank (i.e.: dat., txt.). Each bank must have a unique file extension, which allows the VMS program to recognize the bank format to expect during processing. If the bank sends a lockbox file with a file extension that is not already used by another bank defined in the VMS system, enter the extension. If not, the user will need to rename each file sent from the bank with the unique file extension entered in this field.


If the file is not a fixed length, enter a delimiter type (i.e. , . ).




File Layout


The data contained in this menu is not always necessary; only put data in this section if the anticipated lockbox file is not fixed. This tells the program to ignore the beginning rows within the lockbox file if the rows do not contain any data related to payment information (i.e.: date, instructions). This data must first be defined in order to be excluded by the lockbox processing module.





Field Type

Selects the lockbox field header type.


Enter the line record length.


Enter the start position of the field.


Enter the length of the field.



Detail Layout


The rows entered define the fields that makeup the format of the bank's exported file. Each bank will have its own unique lockbox format that must be defined within VMS. Below is an example of how a bank's lockbox file format could be defined:






Select a label to define the fields of the data being received (i.e.: Account Number, Amount, Check Number).


Enter the character length of the data defined in the Label field.


Select only if the label selected contains a decimal point.


Select a pack relating to the label selected (i.e. comma, space, zero).



Example of a Fixed length lockbox file:





Coupon Code: Lockbox processor anticipates a length of 3 characters


Fill (Data ignored by VMS): Lockbox processor anticipates a length of 19 characters


Account Number: Lockbox processor anticipates a length of 5 characters


Payment Amount: Lockbox processor anticipates a length of 7 characters without a decimal


Check Number: Lockbox processor anticipates a length of 15 characters


Each field is processed in the order in which it was entered into the grid. Select the row and use the arrow tools up and down arrows displayed in the toolbar to change the hierarchy.