Program Defaults: Codes

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Program Defaults: Codes

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Defining codes is an essential component of customizing VMS for your property management company. This is because all standard procedures within VMS incorporate the use of drop-down menus that contain the unique information defined here. Codes may be modified at any time; however, if a required code is not defined in the initial setup, the user may be forced to interrupt a current task to return to this data entry screen and enter that necessary data.





Code Types


All of these can be modified to suit the unique needs of each company using the VMS Program.


Code Type


Architectural Notes

Used to add architectural notes

Architectural Status

Used to set the status of architectural entries

Bank / Routing #

Used to enter ACH information for residents who choose direct-debit payment


To enter bank and routing numbers:

1.Enter name of bank in the first empty box.
2.Tab to next box to enter routing number.
3.Hit the Enter key and repeat steps 1 and 2.
4.To remove a bank and routing number, right click on the bank's name and click on the Delete Bank box that pops up.


Bank Account Types

Used to define the drop-down list used for entering bank accounts into the G/L module

Call Type

Used to define various types of incoming calls (i.e.: Events, Complaints, Vendors)

Community Type

Used to define communities (i.e.: Single Homes, Condos)

Compliance Reported By

Used in the Compliance module when entering the person or action that caused the compliance record(i.e.: Inspection, Complaint, Security)

Compliance Type

Used in the Compliance module to allow the user to select the type of compliance record being entered into the system

Contact Type

Used to define the contact types (i.e.: Home, Business, Cell, Fax)

Delinquency Status

Used when defining the status of a sequence through Property Setup / Delinquency Control sequences. See: Setup/Property Setup/Delinquency Control

Document Type

Used to categorize web or vendor documents required for the property website (i.e.: CC&R's, Rules & Regs, Board Documents)

Employee Group

Used to enter employees and group them by department (i.e.: Accounting, Property Managers)

Employee Type

Used to enter employees and group them by type (i.e.: Accountant, Manager, Compliance)

Entry Type

Used to define various entry devices within the property (i.e.: Vehicle Entry Gate, Pool Gate)

Event Type

Used to define various community events (i.e.: Meeting, Presentation)

FAQ Category

Used to define categories of frequently asked questions (i.e.: Pool, Billing)

Fee Type

Used to enter fee types for community contracts (i.e.: Lien fees, envelope fees, delivery fees)

General Ledger Category

Used to classify the General Ledger Chart of Account entries for reporting purposes; most of the reports will group the data by the defined category (i.e.: Cash, Utilities, Other Liabilities)

Inspection Period

Used to define a property and is specific to management contract (i.e.: Weekly, Monthly, Bi-Weekly)

Insurance Policy Type

Used to enter property insurance policy types (i.e.: Auto, Property, Liability)

Item Category

Used to categorize items used on A/P vouchers

Note Type

Used to enter resident or property notes (i.e.: Account Adjustment, Park Reservation)

Registration Type

Used to define possible resident registration types (i.e.: Pet, Vehicle)

Secret Word

Defines categories of possible resident security passwords (i.e.: Mother's Maiden Name, Favorite Pet)

Transaction Memo

Used to enter resident transaction adjustments (i.e.: Lockbox, Title Payment)

Vendor Type

Used to define the type of vendors  (i.e.: Utilities, Marketing, Maintenance)

Visitor Type

Used to enter resident visitors  (i.e.: Relative, Home Service, Food Delivery)

Work Order Type

Used to defined the type of work order



Code Key values

Advanced Feature


This information is used by VMS to store the code entries you enter through this module. The codes entered are stored in the table called Common Code and can be used to write custom queries for extracting data within the Report Generator, see Reports Groups and Selection Parameters/Report Parameters for more information.



Code Value (cc_Filter1)

Access Entry Type


Architectural Status


Architectural Note


Bank Account Type


Bank / ABA


Call Type


Community Type


Company Fee


Company Note Type


Compliance Reported By


Compliance Type


Contact Types




Document Type


Email Correspondence


Employee Group


Employee Type


Event Types


FAQ Category


Fee Type


General Ledger Category


Inspection Period


Insurance Policy Type


Item Category


Note Type


Registration Type


Resident Note


Resident Relationship


Secret Word


Transaction Memo


Vendor Type


Visitor Relationship


Work Order Type