Property Setup: Delinquency Control

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Property Setup: Delinquency Control

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This tab defines the delinquency definitions used to process delinquency charges and print letters through Accounts Receivable/Delinquency Control.





The steps to define a delinquency process is as follows:


1.Import delinquency letters used when processing delinquency sequences see Report Groups and Selection Parameters/Import

2.Define the statuses to use when defining the sequences for a delinquency process (see Program Defaults/Codes/Delinquency Status)

3.Through this tab, enter a primary process record by entering the name of the process and defining the other fields to use for processing.  In this example the name is Late Fee 25 Day.

4.Enter all sequences used to print letters and / or post charges to a delinquent account


The fields for the Process record are further defined:





Enter the name of the process.  The name describes the action, such as Late Fee 25 Day.  The information entered is used throughout VMS as a reference.


There are two options Late Fee or Collection you can define for process and are used to define independent actions if you process late fees and / or collections.  When processing delinquency through Accounts Receivable, the user can select the process to use when determining which resident accounts are delinquent.  This is useful if you have one division that will process late fees for owners and another division that maintains the collection letters and / or charges for owners being sent to or within a collection cycle.


Select the Account Type (see Program Defaults/Account Types) for this process defined.  The program will only look at the specific type defined.  The typical selection is the Owner account type.


Select this checkbox if the delinquency process was used in the past, but is not needed for future processing.  Delete the process by right clicking the mouse button and selecting delete if the process has not been used and it is not needed for future processing.

Last Process

This field is the last date the delinquency process was used.  By changing this date, the program will allow the billing to be reprocessed.  It is important to note, the program does not delete the letters or charges from the system.  The charges must be deleted through the batch void module and the delinquency records / sequences deleted through Accounts Receivable/Account Maintenance/Delinquency Control or through   Accounts Receivable/Delinquency Control/Maintenance module.


Select the period for the process to occur, Annual, Monthly, Quarterly and Semi-annual.


Enter the day for the process to occur.


Enter the beginning balance for the system to use when determining delinquency.


Enter the ending balance for the system to use when determining delinquency.


Select this to close a resident delinquency process automatically if the account balance is not in the begin and end range defined.



The fields for the Collection record are further defined:




Collection Letter

Select the collection letter to print when the sequence is processed, or leave as No Letter to avoid printing letter, but charges can still be added to post to the delinquent account.


Define the number of times the sequence will repeat for each period.  The software will move to the next sequence after the number of repeats has been processed.


Select this if a certified label needs to be generated for the letter printed.


Select the status to set the resident account to when the sequence is processed.


Select this to make the sequence inactive.


Select this if you want the program to hold a delinquency process until you have manually selected the next sequence for the delinquent account.  You must enter another sequence after the hold sequence, which is used when you what the delinquency process to proceed to the next sequence when processing the delinquencies through Accounts Receivable.  If a resident's delinquency process is in a hold state, entering the the next sequence manually will notify the software to proceed with the next sequence.


Select this to set the delinquent account to a lien status when this sequence is processed.

No Web

Select this to deny web access to residents when the sequence is processed.



The fields for the Posting Code records are further defined:




Posting Code

Select the A/R posting code to use when processing the charge for the sequence.


Select the type of charge to post (fixed) or calculate (% of balance) when posting charge.


Enter the amount to post (fixed type) or the percentage to use when calculating charge (% of balance).