Program Control: Coupon

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Program Control: Coupon

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The Coupon tab is used to define the company information used during coupon processing.





The fields are further defined:





Names the coupon companies currently defined as vendors in the VMS system. The In-House entry is used to define coupons generated out of the VMS software.

Account #

Enter the account number the vendor has assigned to your company.

Exclude ACH Accounts

If defined, VMS will ignore ACH accounts when exporting the coupon information.

Export Path

Enter the path used to export the coupon files.

Export File

Enter the export file name to be used when exporting the coupon information.

Include Unit Address

If defined, VMS will add RE: [Unit Address] to the first line of the owners address information to the coupon.

PIF (Product Information File)

This file holds information used by the vendor to import any changes to the coupon format, for example, the community name, coupon color or late fee amounts. It is created only when changes are made to the coupon format for a community.