Program Defaults: Item: A/P

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Program Defaults: Item: A/P

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This form defines information that will be used in the Accounts Payable and Work Order modules of VMS. List any common payables (i.e.: landscaping, pool service, gas bill) here. Default items assigned here may be later recalled to quickly enter A/P vouchers and work order line items. Items are attached to properties and then integrated with a G/L account number (explained in Property Setup/Accounting/AP/Items).





The fields are further defined:





Enter a commonly identifiable generic name for an A/P voucher (i.e.: gas bill, lawn bill) see Setup/Property Setup/Accounting/AP/Items


Select the category defined in the Codes section to which this item belongs.


Enter the item description. This will later be written in the memo area of the printed checks.


Enter the cost of the item. This is optional, but will be used to calculate the amount to pay when the item is added to a voucher. For example, if the user enters a cost of $10.00 and selects the item for two vouchers, the program will calculate the amount to pay as $20.00.


Select only if the item is taxable. This is for display only and does not calculate tax due from vouchers.