Account Maintenance Group

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Account Maintenance Group

The Account Maintenance applications allow the user to maintain the accounts that were previously entered in VMS either through a conversion or an import or configure manually through Unit Maintenance. Within the Account Maintenance applications, every day processing of AR transactions can be managed. This application allows the user to make adjustments to a resident's account, bill assessments on a regular basis, create ACH files to be sent to the bank for processing, and process lockbox files containing owner payment information.






Items covered in this topic include:


Billing allows the user to bill resident accounts or builder accounts. These billings are done for the entire property for all accounts set up with a billing record.


Adjustments allows the user to make adjustments on a resident's account. These adjustments are usually transactions that are not done on a regular schedule. The adjustments can be charges or credits on the account.


ACH allows the user to create a NACHA file to submit to the bank for the processing of owner's payments.


Lockbox allows the user to process a file received from the bank containing the owners' payment information.