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Navigation:  CLASS THREE: Account, New Account and Unit Maintenance > Account > Delinquency Control >


In the Delinquency tab you can view, edit or add delinquency cycles to the selected account. You must select a Delinquency Cycle before clicking on the Information tab to enter additional data about the cycle.


The fields are defined as follows:




Process dropdown

Used to filter out and display only the Process the user wants to view.

Status dropdown

Used to filter out and display only the Status the user wants to view.

Show Closed

Check this box to display any closed delinquency records.

Edit Letters

Check this box to display letters as they are rendered so they can be edited before printing.

Grid Fields


Delinquency Cycle

Displays the cycle for a particular delinquency record.


Displays the process type created in Property Setup.


Displays the date when this record first started.


Displays the date when the record was closed.


Displays the delinquency status linked to the delinquency cycle.


Displays the Collection Vendor that is linked to the delinquency process in Property Setup.


Displays the name of the resident for the account the user is in.

Account #

Displays the account number of the resident for the account the user is in.

Current Balance

Displays the current balance for the account that the user is in.

Last Sequence

Displays the last delinquency sequence that the resident was processed through.

Next Process

Displays the date that the resident is due to be processed through the next sequence.

No Web

When this box is checked, the resident will not be able to log into their web portal.


When this box is checked, the account will change color to mark them as being liened. The color options are selected in SETUP | Program Defaults | Account Types tab.


When this box is checked, the account will be moved to Collection status.


When this box is checked, the delinquency information for this account will synchronize with the collection vendor.


Allows the user to enter a note regarding the delinquency.

