Accounts Receivable: ACH Manual Processing

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Accounts Receivable: ACH Manual Processing

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Manual processing is used to force payments to be processed out of the resident account, which can be done manually through the ACH module or as a one-time payment by the resident on the Internet.


To start the process, select the Manual file type, as pictured below:




Expand the desired bank entry to select the property to which entries will be added. Click on the plus sign (+) next to the Account #  cell to expand the property row and add individual resident records, as shown below:






Manual ACH files require the user to search for each individual resident account and input the ACH debit amount.


Click the Find Record add file button within the Resident field in the grid to display the Find Account screen and select the desired resident(s). Enter the amount to process in the amount field. Continue to add accounts and enter amounts as necessary. Once all of the desired data is entered, press Create to create, print and add a lockbox for processing the payments into the resident accounts, as explained in the previous section (see: Entry/Accounts Receivable/ACH/Automatic Processing).