Budget: Maintenance

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Budget: Maintenance

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Maintaining the budget is similar to working with a spreadsheet program.  Select a cell under any month and G/L code and enter an amount.  Use the arrow keys to maneuver through other cells.


The Adjust and Amount columns are used to set the cells for the entire G/L entry for each month and are further explained:


BudgetFields_ V17



1.Select the Adjust cell and choose an adjustment method:  Options include

$: using the amount entered, the program will increase or decrease each month by the amount entered

%: using the amount entered, the program will increase or decrease each month by the percentage entered

=: using the amount entered, the program will set each month to the amount

/: using the amount entered, the program will divide the amount for each month equally

2.Enter an amount to be adjusted by the selected adjustment method (entering a negative amount decreases the amount based on the adjust cell)

3.Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each desired G/L entry

4.Select the Adjust Values button to adjust the amount to all G/L expenses defined and each month