Coupon Maintenance: Parameters

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Coupon Maintenance: Parameters

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The parameter section is used to filter information to be exported for coupons or statements.






The fields are further defined:




Contact Type

Select a contact type to send coupons to.


Select coupons for builders, residents, or both.

Exclude ACH

Used to exclude ACH accounts from the exported data.

Account Types

Select the accounts to export.

Exclude Collection Status

Select the delinquency status to exclude from the export process (see Program Defaults/Codes/Delinquency Status types).


Enter or select a predefined memo for the coupons / statements.


Note: the exported coupon data is limited.  When selecting Website user / password or just website password, this notifies the program to export the user and / or password in the exported data.  The program will not include any other text entered into the field.

Include Zero Balances

For statements only, select to include owners with zero balances on the account.

Account Balances

For statements only, enter the begin and end balance range to include in the export.

Create PIF (Product Information File)

A summary of information common to all properties' coupons (i.e.: remit address, coupon color); only required when sending a coupon file to a third-party vendor.

Maintenance Batch

Creates a PAN file that only contains residents scheduled to be issued a coupon (see: Entry/Resident and Property/Resident).

Annual Batch

Creates a PAN file that only contains residents within properties selected on the checklist.




Upon generating an Annual or Maintenance Batch, the program will determine if there are any errors contained within the resident data (i.e.: resident name length, missing address). Errors will appear for an incorrect address, and will prevent a PAN file from being issued. Warnings will appear for a name that is too long; the user may modify the information or create the PAN file with automated modifications.