Property Setup: Accounting: GL: Information

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Property Setup: Accounting: GL: Information

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The Information tab is used to define the basic parameters of the G/L module.






The fields are further defined:




Consolidate Reconciliation

When defined, the bank reconciliation module reconciles a bank account for all departments used in the statement period.  This should be set, unless there is a specific need to manually reconcile every department independently for the same bank account.

G/L Posting Level

Defines the way the G/L posting occurs for the property:


No GL Post: If selected, nothing will be posted to the G/L.


Company Posting: The G/L is posted to the selected G/L default department (see G/L Departments).


Community Posting: The G/L is posted to the selected G/L Department defined for each community.


G/L Default Department

Select the default department used by VMS.  The defined department is used as the default when posting A/R (lockbox and billing / late fee posting) and it is the primary department when adding A/P expenses.

Net Income Category

Select a G/L category to add the net income total to before printing the G/L Balance Sheet report.

Net Income Label

Enter the label that is used to print the net income total on the various G/L reports.




When Community Posting is selected, as the G/L posting level, you must choose a department for every community attached to the property; otherwise, the program will report an error when a module attempts to post to the G/L.


When No Community Posting is selected, as the G/L posting level, nothing will post to the G/L!