Property Setup: Vendor

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Property Setup: Vendor

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The Vendor tab is used to enter information regarding the vendors used by a property.




Vendors can access information such as documents and reports by accessing your website with a user login and password (see Program Defaults/Vendor).







The fields are further defined:





A pre-filled field containing the name of the vendor as entered in Program Defaults.


A pre-filled field containing the type of the vendor as entered in Program Defaults.

Account #

Enter the applicable account number for the vendor.

Insurance Company

Enter the insurance company.


Enter the insurance expiration date.


Enter the insurance liability amount.


Enter vendor notes as necessary.



To add vendors:


1.Click on the arrow next to the Add add button icon and choose Add Vendor from the drop-down menu.
2.Drag and drop any vendors to the grid.
3.Close the screen.
4.Enter relevant information about the vendor.
5.Expand the row by clicking on the plus sign (+) to the left of Vendor Name and enter all vendor contact information.