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The Compliance application allows users to maintain all compliance issues for a property. The compliance records are entered for each individual account and can maintained until the violation becomes compliant. The user can print compliance letters and reports based on the information in the system.
The following topics will be covered during this class:
Merge Letter: Compliance Templates
Setting up the iXpert Compliance Batch Feature
Setting up the Compliance Process - This will determine what letters the resident is to receive and what fines, if any, are to be posted to their account. (SETUP | Property Group | Property Setup | Compliance | Governing and Sequence)
▪Defining the fields for the compliance setup
Compliance Maintenance (APPLICATIONS | Property Management Group | Compliance)
▪How to enter and process a compliance record for a property
▪How to Mass Add and Mass Change compliance records
▪How to enter and process a compliance record for an account
▪How to add notes / pictures
Architectural Maintenance (APPLICATIONS | Account Maintenance Group | Account | Architectural tab)
▪How to enter architectural information
▪Property must be added to VMS, with units and accounts
▪Setup Architectural Notes, Architectural Status, Compliance Types and Reported By through SETUP | Configuration Group | Program Defaults | Codes
▪Compliance letters must be setup through Merge Letter Editor
▪If posting fines through the compliance system, an AR Fine Posting code must be defined