Accounts Payable: Creating and Maintaining Vouchers

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Accounts Payable: Creating and Maintaining Vouchers

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To Create a Record:


1.Select a property from the list.
2.Click in the Vendor cell of the maintenance grid to select a vendor (defined in Setup/Program Defaults/Vendor).
3.Click in the Bank cell of the maintenance grid and select the bank account that will issue the check.
4.Enter the necessary information into the grid pertaining to the new voucher.

5.    Define the fields located in either the expense tab or the items tab

6.    Approve the voucher once all of the data is entered by selecting the Approved checkbox in the maintenance grid, which locks the voucher and posts the G/L journal entries, if accrual-based accounting is used

7.    Based on how the property is defined, the voucher can be set to Process if a check is going to be printed from a VMS template. If a board member must approve the check payment, he/she must log into the property website and approve the voucher before a check can be generated.

8.    Select the drop-down arrow next to the print print button button on the toolbar to select the desired check printing process defined below.


Print Accountant Checks

Prints checks for all properties defined for the user logged into VMS

Print All Checks

Prints checks for all properties

Print Selected Property

Prints checks for the selected property

Preview Checks

Instructs program to display preview before printing checks (displays a check-mark if selected)

Print Void Checks

Prints a voided check

Reprint Check Batch

Allows the user to select parameters to reprint a batch of checks



Vouchers entered into the system are maintained by selecting a desired voucher and working with the voucher information or expenses.  There are several features in this module that can be used to work with vouchers.