Accounts Receivable: Delinquency Control: Process

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Accounts Receivable: Delinquency Control: Process

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The process module is used to have the software evaluate all properties to determine which accounts should receive letters and / or charges.





The Late Fee Options fields are further defined:





Defines who is going to be billed late fees from the following options:


Resident Billing: Processes only resident accounts that are not attached to a builder (see: Entry/Accounts Receivable/Unit Maintenance)


Builder Billing: Processes only units attached to builders on the selected property (see: Entry/Accounts Receivable/Unit Maintenance)


Print Adjustment Report

Defines if an adjustment report is printed

Grace Days

Defines the number of days the program will go back to determine the properties to process.  Example: if a property's late day is the 15th and the current day is the 17th, having a grace day of 1 will not include the 15 day late day property as VMS will only look at the 16th and 17th of the month.  To include the 15 day late properties, enter a minimum of 2 in this field, which will include all properties with the 15th, 16th and 17th during the evaluation.


Indicates what action occurs when the Process button is pressed.


All: Include Late Fee and Collection delinquency cycles


Collection: Only process collection delinquency cycles


Late Fees: Only process late fee billing records defined at the resident and /  or community level or through delinquency control


Edit Letters

Select to enter the Easy Type module once processing has occurred, allowing the user to review and edit the letters prior to printing.

Set Posted Date

By default, all charges will have the posted date equal the late day transaction date (the day of the month defined for the late period)


Refreshes the list based on the selected parameters.


If imported into VMS, once the program has evaluated the properties to process, the user can print the letter and billing information prior to posting

Select All

Click to select or clear all properties


Check to process late fees for the selected properties.


The Properties fields are further defined:




Properties (might not be shown depending on employee account definition)

Indicates which properties are displayed in the grid; select from the following options:


Accountant: Displays only properties that are linked to the user's workstation


All: Displays all properties



The Property grid fields are further defined:





Listed properties that can be processed


Displays any issues the program has detected, which will automatically be managed before processing occurs.  Example: the most common issue is an outstanding adjustment batch


Check to process late fees for the selected property.


Will automatically check once late fee is processed.


How to Process Late Fees:


1.Verify the fields defined above, press Accountant or All to evaluate all properties, if Properties area is not present, click the Refresh button
2.Select the properties to process in the grid (press Select All to mark all properties), press the Process button


If the Edit Letters checkbox is selected, all letters will appear in Easy Type to allow the user to modify any letter prior to printing.


