Accounts Receivable: Quick Unit Add

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Accounts Receivable: Quick Unit Add

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The Quick Unit Add function allows the user to enter a unit to the selected property, which then allows for the addition of a new resident account.

To add a unit, select the property and press the Add add button button.





How to Add New Units:


1.Select the community.

2.Enter the street number and any other applicable information.

3.Press the Save save file icon to add the unit to the property.




The Owner drop-down selection specifies the owner of a unit



The Builder Recurring Billing and Resident Recurring Billing entries are used to auto populate the recurring billing definition for an account attached to a unit through, which is used when posting recurring billing (see: Accounts Receivable Billing).  The Unit Recurring Billing definition is used to post additional unit charges for any owner (builder or resident).