Property Setup: Fees

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Property Setup: Fees

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This screen is primarily for reference only and is used to identify any items that require payment from the residents, or to determine the cost of items used by the property (i.e.: pool keys, copy charges).  There are special Program Area fields that can be setup and are further defined in this section.





The fields are further defined:





Select a type of fee from the drop-down menu (defined in Setup/Program Defaults/Codes).

Program Area

Select the default program area fee:


There are special definitions that can be defined and include:


Capital Contribution

Used by VMSXChange or report

Capital Contribution (1st Owner)

Used by VMSXChange or report for the first owner of a property, which is defined as a unit without a current owner account.


Community Enhancement Fee

Used by VMSXChange or report

Coupon Fee

Used by VMSXChange or report

Resale Transfer Fee

Used by VMSXChange or report

Resale Capital Contribution

Used by VMSXChange or report

Transfer Fee

Used by VMSXChange or report


Enter the fee amount.


Enter fee notes as necessary.