Accounts Receivable: Adjustment

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Accounts Receivable: Adjustment

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The Adjustment module is used to add debits and/or credits to resident accounts, by default the module displays All batches, but specific batches can be worked on by selecting one from the Batches drop-down list.


There are two batch types, Adjustment and Cash, which are created by selecting Create Adjustment Batch or Create Cash Batch.


Adjustment Batches: Allows for the entry of both debits and credits within the same batch.


Cash Batches: Only allow for credit entries.




When adding credits through the New Resident module (see Accounts Receivable: New Resident), VMS creates a cash batch for the user if one does not exist, then adds all credits to the batch to be processed as a single deposit.

Adjustment is a term used synonymously with adjustment and cash batches in this section.  The data entry is exactly the same, as the only difference is cash batches allow only credits to be added, while adjustment batches all both debits and credits.


There are two methods for posting adjustment batches.


1.Once a batch is ready to be processed, select the main batch record and click the Post post button  icon in the toolbar to post the current batch and print the defined report.

2.When using billing, processing late fees or closing the month, the program will post all open batches prior to processing.