Digital Attachment

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Digital Attachment

The VMS system is used to create and maintain information that is stored in a database.  The information contained within the database is used to manage AP, AR, GL, compliance and many other critical pieces of data necessary to manage corporations.


PDF documents rendered by VMS such as adjustment reports, compliance and delinquency letters are also managed by the system, just not directly inserted into the database, but linked outside of the database to folders managed on a server.  The way VMS manages external documents creates a very efficient data structure for processing information.


This structure allows additional external digital files to be added to records within several of the system application records.  Examples include: pictures added to a Compliance issue, a recorded voice mail message added to an Account Note.


The File field shown in most grids and the Bank Reconciliation process allows the user to attach any digital file to the record.


Here is an example of the Banking | Reconciliation module that allows the user to use the Browse tool BrowseButton1711v2 to attach a PDF statement during reconciliation:




Here is an example of the Compliance grid with a File cell that allows the user to drag / drop a digital file to the note:






It is recommended to enter a descriptive note when adding digital files, which can be used for searching purposes through iXpert.



It is recommended to link unsecured PDF documents when attaching digital files to notes.  PDF documents added to notes / processes can be used by FileFusion, which allows the reporting system to merge the documents into a report.